News Releases

COSL Reverse Roadshow Event in 2023 Comes to a Successful Conclusion
Time:2023-07-04 Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

In order to effectively enhance the Company's capital market operation and maintenance capabilities, build an efficient communication bridge between the Company and its partners, and achieve not only "going out" but also "bringing in", on June 28, COSL held the reverse roadshow event with the highest specification, most attendees, and widest business coverage in recent years in Tianjin. The event, with the theme of "Striving Forward, Creating the Future, and Joining Hands to Create a New Chapter", attracted over 50 domestic and foreign investors, securities analysts, and media professionals from A-shares and H-shares to participate in. Mr. Zhao Shunqiang, Chairman and CEO of the Company, Mrs. Chong Xiaojie, Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Sun Weizhou, Vice President and Secretary of the Board, attended the event.

The event officially began on the morning of June 28. The Company first expressed its sincere gratitude to friends from all walks of life who have always cared about and supported the Company, and introduced the current overall business scale and operation; subsequently, the Market and International Business Department, Well Tech Division, Drilling Division, and Integrated Solution and New Energy Division provided detailed explanations from the perspective of business in respect of international development, large-scale equipment capabilities, technological innovation and application, integrated service capabilities and services.

Subsequently, investors, securities analysts, and media professionals raised questions about their concerns, and Mr. Zhao Shunqiang participated in the entire communication process and made key speeches.

Mr. Zhao Shunqiang pointed out that COSL adhered to customer asset management as the core, built a core technology system, and continuously improved its technical service capabilities. After more than 20 years of development and transformation, technological innovation has achieved leapfrog development, and multiple technologies have entered the world's advanced level. Mr. Zhao Shunqiang emphasized that in the future, COSL would focus on its main responsibilities and main businesses, closely follow the "dual carbon" development trend, leverage its advantages in exploration, well construction, development and exploration technology, continue to deeply cultivate new technologies in offshore oil and gas and energy services, and have confidence in basically building a world-class energy service company with Chinese characteristics by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan.

On the afternoon of June 28 and on June 29, Mrs. Chong Xiaojie and Mr. Sun Weizhou respectively led a team to visit the China National Offshore Oil Corporation Industrial Exhibition Hall, LNG-powerd standby vessel HYSY542, drilling rig Hailong 8, "Xuanji" maintenance workshop of Well Tech Division in Tanggu, laboratory of Oilfield Chemicals, laboratory and completion center of Research Institute of Production Optimization, equipment assembly workshop of Geophysical Division, etc., respectively.

Through on-site visits and exchanges, the overall strength of the Company and the spiritual outlook of the cadre and staff team have been widely recognized.

Mrs. Fang Fang, a representative of Elephant Capital, said, “After two-day visit of COSL, we have seen its comprehensive strength and the “Xuanji” system we have longed for. Boarding the impressive LNG ship, we found everything fresh and new in terms of environmental protection, intelligence, and safety performance. We are very grateful to COSL for providing this opportunity and look forward to more communication and cooperation in the future.”

Mrs. Zhang Haiying, from ShangHai Securities News, said, “It's a great honor to participate in this reverse roadshow event. Through close contact with COSL, we found that not only its comprehensive and systematic strategic planning, and continuous and improving performance, but also the management team that attaches importance to investment, and the experienced implementation team, demonstrate the excellence of COSL. I think COSL is undervalued, and adding to positions is considerable.”

Mrs. Huang Shaolin, from the Finance and Capital Department of CNOOC representing a substantial shareholder, said, “The reverse roadshow event is organized meticulously and orderly with detailed and sufficient content, which demonstrates the development background and growth potential of COSL as an excellent listed company. In the future, CNOOC will continue to support the development of COSL and make better performance together with COSL.”

The general manager and business leaders of the relevant Divisions of the Company, as well as the heads of relevant departments at the headquarters, participated in this event.