News Releases

COSL Awarded "A" Rating for 2022-2023 Annual Listed Company
Time:2023-09-27 Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

China Oilfield Services Limited (“COSL” or the “Company”) has recently been awarded the highest rating of "A" (Excellent) by the Shanghai Stock Exchange for its 2022-2023 annual performance.

By focusing on information disclosure as the key criterion, the Shanghai Stock Exchange conducted a comprehensive assessment on the Company's board of directors' operations. The assessment covered various aspects, including the organization of the board of directors and shareholders' meetings, corporate governance, information disclosure, investor relations maintenance, roadshows, reverse roadshows, and press conferences. COSL's ability to stand out among more than 2,300 listed companies is a testament to the Company's strong emphasis and continuous efforts in enhancing its capital market-related activities.

The Company has established a corporate governance mechanism with"general meeting of shareholders,the Boardof Supervisors and senior management” as the starting point to establish governance mechanism with“the general meeting of shareholders takes overall management and control, the Board makes business decisions, TheBoard of Supervisors supervises in accordance with the law, and the senior management implements. " This governance structure fosters a corporate governance framework characterized by "scientific decision-making, strong execution, effective supervision, and standardized operation," promoting the modernization of the Company's governance system and capabilities in a comprehensive manner. The Company consistently strives for the fundamental goal of "zero omissions" in its information disclosure efforts. It strictly adheres to relevant requirements, actively disclosing company information, and ensuring that the disclosed information is truthful, accurate, complete, timely, and fair. Efforts are continuously made to standardize and improve the mechanisms for information disclosure at the same time. Through various channels such as “SSE e-Interaction”, results briefings, "Investor Online Reception Day" events, and on-site investor visits, the Company promptly and effectively responds to investor queries and concerns. The Company's board chairman and senior executives attach great importance to and uphold information disclosure, actively participating in results briefings, reverse roadshows, and other activities, delivering key speeches and engaging in meaningful exchanges. These efforts have been highly recognized by external market.

The Company's "A" rating is a high recognition from regulatory authorities for the board of directors' efforts on compliant operations and outstanding demonstration effects in various aspects. Looking forward, we will continue to strive for excellence in all areas, maintain a positive image in the capital market, and contribute to the Company's goal of becoming a world-class energy services company.