Integrated Services
Marine Seismic Acquisition
Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation
Marine Seismic Acquisition

With specialized equipment operated by competent crews since the 1960s, COSL has proven itself to be a leading seismic service provider in offshore China, and is also widely acclaimed by its clients in the Southeast Asia, Europe, the North America, Africa, the Middle East, and other locations around the world.

COSL currently operates five 3D vessels, one 2D vessel, and two OBC teams, which can provide annual performance capacities of 45,000 km2 3D, 20,000 km 2D, and 2000 km2 for OBC. Since its delivery in October 2014, 12-streamer seismic vessel HYSY 721 has become the most advanced seismic vessel in Asia. The newly-built seismic vessel HYSY 760 was delivered at the end of 2015, which is capable of 2D operation with the streamers towing maximum of 15,000 m and high pressure of 3000 psi and also for 3D operation with 4*6000 meters. 

Main services include:
· 2D/3D  conventional seismic survey· 2D/3D  high-resolution seismic survey
· 4D  seismic survey· OBC/4C  seismic survey
· broadband  seismic survey· under  shooting / long offset shooting
· over/under  streamer and source acquisition· wide-azimuth  seismic data survey
· multiple-azimuth  seismic data survey
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